I paid my friends at CVS a quick visit because I received an email from the CVS beauty club this week with a coupon for $2 off any Biore item. I was already planning to buy them (and good thing I waited!) so it was perfect! I had a Buy one pore strips, get one face wash free MQ coupon and they have a deal going on as well. Buy $15 worth of select Jergens, Curel, Biore, or John Freida products and get $5 ECB back. The Biore products were on sale at 2 for $15. The thing is, it was supposed to cost me 50 cents + tax but somehow, the coupon (BOGO) rung up as -9.00 and not $7.50 so I ended up paying 5 sents for both items- tax and all.

So This is how it went:
2 Biore products (1 pore strips, 1 face wash) at 2/$15
Used 1 BOGO free MQ
Used 1 CVS Beauty Club Coupon ($2 off)
Received $5.00 back in ECB
$15.00 + tax ($16.05)
- $9.00
Final Price: $0.05
I love these strips! The face wash I have yet to try :)
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